Specialized Retreats

”Gestalt Pastoral Care is a Christian Ministry for the soul. It has opened me to inner awareness and healing.”

”Gestalt Pastoral Care is a Christian Ministry for the soul. It has opened me to inner awareness and healing.”

Occasionally, we host GPC-based retreats in other-than-our-usual locations, or with slightly different formats, or with a different focus than the Opening to Grace retreats.  These specialized retreats may be organized by a GPC minister or may be the result of a request by a local group to a GPC minister.  If your group is interested in organizing a special-topic retreat, please contact your local GPC minister. 

Some specialized topics for retreats that we lead are:

  • Dreams: A Way to Listen to God

  • Introduction to Faith Imagination Prayer

  • Creating Personal Healing Liturgies

  • Introduction to Healing Prayer

  • Introduction to Healing Ministry

  • Healing from Sexual Abuse

  • Healing the Social Order

We believe that God seeks to transform pain and fear and tragedy.